Fleet Management and Surveillance Solutions for the Student Transportation and Public Transit Industries

Industry Trends

The Future of Transit and how it will affect Everyone (Part 1 of 4)

The Future of Transit and how it will affect Everyone (Part 1 of 4)

Industry Trends, Transit
It’s not that often you can make this kind of blanket statement about a service. Seon recently attended the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA), New Mobility Symposium and given the presentation content, we feel that transit has a very relevant role to play in our transportation future. Not only that, but transit will be of great importance to everyone, not just the subset of people who don’t make use of personal vehicles to get from Point A to Point B. The future of transit will affect everyone, and the future looks bright! We can, in part, thank the Transportation Network Companies (TNC) for ensuring our transportation future is rosy, but we can also thank the forward-thinking transit agencies who realize that one size does not fit all. (more…)
A New Approach to tackling School Bus Route Operations

A New Approach to tackling School Bus Route Operations

Industry Trends, Routing, School Bus
The safety of students and drivers underscores every step a school bus transportation department makes. What happens outside the bus is just as important as what happens inside — often more so as the majority of fatalities and injuries happen outside the bus. How does Route Operations Planning factor into the equation? And could better, more efficient route operations lead to increased student and driver safety? (more…)
Moving from Paper to Digital with School Bus Route Planning Software

Moving from Paper to Digital with School Bus Route Planning Software

Industry Trends, Routing, School Bus
5 Easy Steps to get School Bus Route Management off your Walls During a weekend with my young nephews, I was surprised to learn that they didn’t know how to hand write in cursive. When I asked why, they answered that they type out their homework on computers, and only remembered how to write their names in cursive. Schools and districts across North America are moving toward a digital learning and management environment, but what about our school transportation departments? Why is the management of bus fleets and digitization of school routes still behind the curve for some districts? (more…)