Fleet Management and Surveillance Solutions for the Student Transportation and Public Transit Industries


Beyond 1080p:  What’s best for mobile surveillance?

Beyond 1080p: What’s best for mobile surveillance?

Expert Advice Series, For New Transportation Directors, Industry Trends, Transit, Video Camera Surveillance, Video Management, Videos
A sibling wrestling match triggered a shopping trip for a new HDTV this past weekend. The biggest decision: 1080p vs 4K. The sales guy at Best Buy had some convincing arguments for 4K resolution. My vote was for 1080p, being the budget-conscious consumer. My husband was puzzled by the conflicting online advice he googled while in-store. The end result: we returned home sans TV to face the wrath of two screen-hungry kids. (more…)
The Future of Transit and how it will affect Everyone (Part 2 of 4)

The Future of Transit and how it will affect Everyone (Part 2 of 4)

Industry Trends, Transit
This is Part 2 in our series on the future of transit (gathered during the recent CUTA — Canadian Urban Transit Association, New Mobility Symposium held in Vancouver, British Columbia). Read Part 1 here. We started our previous post by stating that transit agencies will play a key role in delivering mobility services in our transportation future. However, our mobility future will also include a range of services and solutions from some very non-traditional players. (more…)
The Future of Transit and how it will affect Everyone (Part 1 of 4)

The Future of Transit and how it will affect Everyone (Part 1 of 4)

Industry Trends, Transit
It’s not that often you can make this kind of blanket statement about a service. Seon recently attended the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA), New Mobility Symposium and given the presentation content, we feel that transit has a very relevant role to play in our transportation future. Not only that, but transit will be of great importance to everyone, not just the subset of people who don’t make use of personal vehicles to get from Point A to Point B. The future of transit will affect everyone, and the future looks bright! We can, in part, thank the Transportation Network Companies (TNC) for ensuring our transportation future is rosy, but we can also thank the forward-thinking transit agencies who realize that one size does not fit all. (more…)
Transit Police & Security – Using Technology driven Communications to promote Passenger Safety

Transit Police & Security – Using Technology driven Communications to promote Passenger Safety

Industry Trends, Risk Management, Transit, Video Camera Surveillance
Imagine a loved one riding public transport during their daily commute. Perhaps your mother, father, your child, or a friend. It might be a short hop on a light-rail car or a long journey upon a bus. On most days, it can be a quietly packed ride on the way to work or school, filled with familiar faces. (more…)